This is an OpenPGP keyserver.
It is provided to the community as a public service to help distribute OpenPGP encryption keys.
Queries about the operation of this service should be directed to the server contact listed on the statistics page.
This server is powered by the open-source keyserver software Hockeypuck. Hockeypuck is a synchronising keyserver that acts as part of a decentralised networked database for OpenPGP public keys.
To report a bug in the Hockeypuck software, or contribute to its development, please visit the Hockeypuck project on GitHub.
OpenPGP is an End-to-End encryption standard. It allows emails, files and other data to be encrypted so that they cannot be read by a third party, and/or signed so that they cannot be modified, while in transit between the sender and recipient. It is used primarily for high-latency and long-timescale applications such as email, software distribution, record archival and backups.
Under Article 17 of the UK GDPR individuals have the right to have personal data erased. This is also known as the ‘right to be forgotten’. The right only applies to data held at the time the request is received. It does not apply to data that may be created in the future.
You can request removal of your PGP key from our server by emailing:
Please note that it may take up to one calendar month to process your request, and you will be required to provide proof of ownership of the PGP key being removed. Please be aware that proof of ownership of a domain or access to an email address is not sufficient proof of ownership of a PGP key.
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